Integration Dynamics
Outdoor Training México Verde is an area specialized in experiential learning. We are dedicated to the design, organization and development of integration dynamics and adventure experiences aimed at organizational learning.
All Outdoor Training México Verde programs are carried out under the professional service of our specialized coach, and have the support of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to satisfy each need of the companies that visit us.
At México Verde, we are the catalyst of your investment and we maximize the benefits for your company every minute your employees spend with us. Our wide infrastructure and magical surroundings are the best framework for the integration dynamics for your company or group.
Hundreds of companies have benefited from the services that Outdoor Training México Verde offers:

Themed Workshops
Coaching Sessions
Specialized Programs
Professional Facilities

We recommend the following activities:

Challenge Course

Circuit of elements and structures that involve physical and mental effort, designed for groups and companies that wish to promote teamwork, integration and communication in a fun and unique way.
4 hrs.
Ages 12+

Integration Dynamics

Based on activities aimed at encouraging communication, integration and teamwork, led by our specialized staff and supported by our extensive experience in this area.
4 hrs.
Ages 12+

River Descent – Rafting – White Water Rapids

River rafting allows us to enjoy magnificent scenery along the route and encourage teamwork.

Survival Hike

It consists of a walk through the jungle where leadership, teamwork and cooperation skills are put to the test, as participants have to solve unexpected situations such as building bridges
4.5 hrs.
Ages 12+